Black Lightning recap: Gone but not forgotten

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So is Gambi dead or not?

That’s the main question I have after watching tonight’s episode. To be sure, the opening scene finds Freeland’s favorite tailor (“the only white guy in Freeland other than the cops,” as one character later describes him) stuck in a car chase with some mean-looking dudes who look like they want to hurt him. In fact, they’re packing machine guns to do just that. Their superior firepower is overwhelming, and all Gambi can do is try to weave in and out of traffic as his car’s computer tells him that “structural integrity” is failing. Eventually, it fails all the way, and Gambi’s car tips over before becoming engulfed in flames.

It doesn’t take long for the news to spread. Henderson even stops by the Pierce home to tell Jefferson himself. Jefferson, while shocked and horrified by the news, is nevertheless reluctant to believe his mentor is gone since there’s no body. Henderson assures him that no one was seen getting out of the car before it capsized, and the police will soon be swabbing the wreck for DNA. But I have to say, I’m with Jefferson here. After all, the computer updates about “structural integrity” really reminded me of Nick Fury’s similar car-themed assassination in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which as we all know was ultimately revealed to be fake — and that time there even was a body! I may end up eating my words here, but trust me, folks, I’ve been reading and watching superhero stories for basically my whole life, and if there’s not a body, they’re almost certainly not dead.

Nevertheless, the episode carries on as if Gambi is indeed gone. Anissa, for one, certainly believes it. She’s the one who breaks the news to Jennifer, who she finds smoking weed on the roof to help calm her nerves and control her powers — who knew superheroes needed medical marijuana too? Jennifer is equally saddened by the news, but Anissa needs a little more than sisterly love to process the trauma. She heads over to Grace Choi’s apartment, and it doesn’t take long before they’re hooking up. It’s a sexy scene, but Grace isn’t feeling it in the morning. She tells Anissa that she doesn’t just want to be a go-to hook-up when Anissa’s feeling vulnerable and then get abandoned as soon as everything’s working again. Anissa tries to protest, but there are other things on Grace’s mind anyway — namely, her own burgeoning superpowers! We see Grace desperately swallowing pills as her arms start to ripple with unusual energy. She doesn’t break a sink like Anissa did way back in the pilot, so it’s unclear what exactly her powers are. But maybe they have something to do with her tattoos, like Lala last season?

NEXT: Thank you for always being there

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